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Resume Review Process

The resume review application process takes less than 5 minutes.

Step 1

Our Employment Advisor Team will find great employment opportunities for you.

Step 2

Get matched with your potential employers thoughtfully.

Step 3

Upon registering, you will receive interview invitations and job fairs organized by organizations that are relevant to your career path and industry.

Step 4

Congratulations: You are hired!

Take a step toward your future job or internship

Submit your resume for review.

Career Tips
& Insights

Levitating Books

1 / Item Title

  1. Start your fulfilling career

  2. View every person you meet as a door that may lead you to a new opportunity.

  3. Search for the value in feedback or criticism.

  4. Let go of perfection.

  5. Use your strengths.

2 / Item Title
  1. Discover Your Path.

  2. Show up early.

  3. Ask the important questions.

  4. Remember that a job doesn't give your life meaning.

  5. Be willing to sacrifice some things to build the career you want.

3 / Item Title
  1. Make A Difference In The World.

  2. Think of yourself as a lifelong learner.

  3. Dress for the job you want.

  4. Find a mentor, and be a mentor.

  5. Live your life, not someone else's.

4/ Item Title

  1. Venture outside of your comfort zone.

  2. Every year, deeply consider your career path.

  3. Set realistic goals.

  4. If you need help, ask for it.

  5. Be confident, yet humble.

5/ Item Title

  1. Embrace failure.

  2. Be part of a professional community for your industry.

  3. Be part of our community.

  4. Commit to selfcare.

  5. Build a support system of people with positive attitudes to encourage you.

6 / Item Title

  1. Learn the fundamentals of your industry.

  2. List to dream and believe you will and can fulfill your dream.

  3. Job search or rejection doesn't define you.

  4. Remind yourself It’s a process.

  5. Dare to change your career if you believe you are not learning or adding value.

7 / Item Title

  1. Be part of our community

  2. Protect your time and ideas.

  3. Know your limits, but also believe in your capacities.

  4. Take an Organized Approach to Your Job Search.

  5. Celebrate Your Wins, even if small.

8/ Item Title

  1. Network and Brand Yourself

  2. Read, Read, Read!

  3. Update your professional digital presence.

  4. Expand Your Skills or Add Some New Ones

  5. Always Acknowledge People Who Help You

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